Monday, June 29, 2020

MOTHER; AN HEAVENLY TITLE! by AbdulGaffar Muhammed

Mother, an heavenly title!
The general canoe that must be jointly paddle
For Almighty Allah named after them a Surah (1)
A decent woman must cover her Aorah (2)

Mother, an highly praised position!
Must be perfectly constructed for her upcoming generation
Even the Jannah lies under her feet
A bonus every children should meet

Mother, a sacrificial name!
Gave all what she possess and swallow her fame
She is entitled to special honours
"Your mother then your mother" said, the noble one

Mother, a significant role!
Expected of her to be of strong pole
She should stand as a societal reconstruction
Build a woman and you find yourself building a Nation

Mother, an unshakable personnel!
A pleasant pillow fragile like an egg
She's the tower of power on thy mean marrow
Brighter than the sun, stars and shadow.

1. Suratul Nissah
2. Nakedness

May Almighty Allah bless our Mothers
And make them habitants of the Jannah

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